Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hand Sanitizer Stand Signage Display

Hand Sanitizer Stand Signage Display
This new line of sleek freestanding or wall mountable hand sanitizing stand systems ship plug n’ play ready to go.
This hand sanitizing kiosk comes equipped with an internal auto hand sanitizer dispenser. Dispense gel, foam or liquid hand sanitizer.

This kiosk features a sturdy metal enclosure that is designed to withstand indoor public applications and environments.

Built in commercial grade 21.5″ High Definition LCD display allows organizations, companies, hospitals, arenas, etc to display advertisements, announcements, video, slideshows, images and more.
Hand Sanitizer Stand and Digital Signage Display

Automatic hand sanitizer dispensing solution for public gathering areas and retail locations. Now you don’t need to choose between signage and solutions when it comes to your customers safety.
Reduce the Spread of Germs!

Place an automatic hand sanitizer stand anywhere you want to encourage the use of supplementary hygiene.

Reduce the spread of germs and get your message out quickly and easily.
When You Cant Wash Your Hands….

CDC recommends washing hands with soap and water whenever possible because hand washing reduces the amounts of all types of germs and chemicals on hands. But if soap and water are not available, using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. The guidance for effective hand washing and use of hand sanitizer in community settings was developed based on data from a number of studies.
Digital Signage Hand Sanitizer Stand

    Built-in Android system with CMS system
    Auto Dispenser & Plastic Drip trays
    Supports 24/7 non stop working
    Compact design for multiple installations ways, easy 
    21.5″ Digital signage with Auto Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
    Model: Android Player: RK3288,2+8g, 8.1OS
    33.8oz internal auto dispenser hand sanitizer
    21.5″ high quality LCD Panel
    High Definition 1080p resolution
    WIFI, 3G/4G capable
Hand Sanitizer Stand Signage Display